慶應法学部 2021年 /シェイクスピアとヒップホップ
- 題名:Akala and Hip-Hop Shakespeare
- https://www.folger.edu/podcasts/shakespeare-unlimited/akala-hip-hop-shakespeare/
- 単語数:491語
フォルガー・シェイクスピア図書館のポッドキャストシリーズ「Shakespeare Unlimited」のエピソードの一つです。
イギリスの詩人、ラッパー、教育者であるAkala(アカラ)ことKingslee James Daley(キングスリー・ジェームズ・デイリー)へのインタビューを特集しており、彼がヒップホップを通してシェイクスピアの詩の relevancy(関連性)を伝えている活動について語られています。
このインタビューでは、Barbara Bogaev(バーバラ・ボガエフ)がAkalaに話を聞いています。
(29) OK. Honestly, who's the best hip-hop artist of all time?
5. Shakespeare for sure.
(30) Give me a break. He's an Elizabethan poet and playwright. He has nothing to do with hip-hop.
「冗談でしょ? 彼はエリザベス朝時代の詩人で劇作家よ。ヒップホップとは何の関係もありません。」
7. Everybody says that at first. I'll give you a line and you guess if it's from hip-hop or from Shakespeare. Ready? "I am reckless what I do to spite the world."
(31) It's definitely hip-hop: very aggressive.
1.Well, it's from Macbeth, one of the most famous Shakespearean tragedies.
(32) Is it? That sounds so modern.
「そうなの? すごく現代的に聞こえるけど。」
It does, doesn't it? Then how about this? "Maybe it's hatred I spew, maybe it's food for the spirit."
「だよね、そうでしょ? じゃあ、次はどう?『もしかしたら、俺が吐き出すのは憎しみかもしれないし、もしかしたら、それは精神のための食料かもしれない』」
(33) This time, I'll say it should be Shakespeare. Sounds old.
Ha-ha! It's the rapper Eminem.
「ハハ! それはラッパーのエミネムの台詞だよ。」
(34) So I got it wrong again.
9. Don't worry. You're not the only one. You know, the English language has not changed as much as people believe. Actually we still use 95% of the words found in Shakespeare's famous works.
(35) I didn't know that. I know that even now we use many phrases taken from Shakespeare's works such as "green-eyed monster" for jealousy. Still, I don't see how the similarity of language makes Shakespeare the greatest hip-hop artist. Shakespeare's plays don't sound like hip-hop at all.
「それは知らなかった。確かに、今でも「嫉妬」を表す「green-eyed monster(緑目の怪物)」とか、シェイクスピアの作品から取られたフレーズがたくさん使われているのは知ってたけど、言葉が似ているからといって、シェイクスピアが最高のヒップホップアーティストになるわけじゃないと思う。シェイクスピアの作品は全然ヒップホップっぽくないわ。」
2. You think so? Read his poems and plays aloud, and you can understand what I mean. As a rapper myself, I have been experimenting with many forms of rhyme and rhythm. Throughout his entire career, Shakespeare was doing the same.
「そう思う? 彼の詩や劇を声に出して読んでみて。そうすれば僕が何を言いたいか分かると思う。僕自身ラッパーとして、いろんな種類の韻やリズムを試してきたけど、シェイクスピアも彼の生涯を通して同じことをやっていたんだ。」
編集注:"green-eyed monster"は慶應理工2024年大問3でも出題
(36) I know the rhythm he mostly used was the one that goes "dee-DUM, dee-DUM, dee-DUM, dee-DUM, dee-DUM"; five "dee-DUMS" or beats in one line.
8.That's right. And the beat is the rhythm of the human heart as well as of hip-hop. Shakespeare's rhythm does not only resonate with hip-hop, but also with our lives. That's why we can make Shakespeare's poems into perfect hip-hop.
(37) Now I understand why you think he is the best hip-hop artist. It's easy to see how similar Shakespeare and hip-hop are once you get rid of your fixed ideas about them. But how about the themes or contents?
0. Good point! Shakespeare dealt with social problems in his time as hip-hop artists do at present. Any good poet of any era employs similar themes and similar techniques to get across definite messages. Both of them are very political. Both of them are very powerful. That's why we hip-hop artists can learn so much from our great predecessor of 400 years ago.
「いい質問だね! シェイクスピアは当時の社会問題を扱っていたし、それは今のヒップホップアーティストも同じなんだ。どの時代の優れた詩人も、明確なメッセージを伝えるために似たテーマや技法を使っている。どちらもとても政治的だし、どちらもものすごく力強い。それが、僕たちヒップホップアーティストが400年前の偉大な先駆者から多くを学べる理由なんだ。」
(38) We should call him Big Will Shake, maybe? And we listeners should stop putting things in boxes: Shakespeare for academics and hip-hop for street gangs.
「彼を“ビッグ・ウィル・シェイク”とでも呼ぶべきかな? それに私たち聴衆も、『シェイクスピアは学者向け』『ヒップホップはストリートギャング向け』なんていう固定観念を捨てるべきね。」
3. Shakespeare was for the ordinary people. Through his plays and poems, people learnt about the politics of their own times, and about their human emotions. Hip-hop can play the same role in conveying knowledge and communicating human feeling today.
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